What is black pepper?
The dried fruits of the peppercorn tree are called black pepper, and the scientific name of it is Piper Nigrum. They grow on vines and need humid climates to grow well. The raw ones are green in color when they are harvested. Later, they turn to black color when they are dried in the sun.
There are three types of black pepper such as black, white, and red (Essential black peppers with skin removed), and red (The strongest of all peppers and are produced by keeping the fruits on the vines for a long time to turn red).
Black pepper makes your food aromatic and spicy, besides offering a lot of health benefits. This spice is quite useful for your hair and skin as well.
There are some beauty and skincare products based on the incredible benefits of black pepper for hair and skin. You can find black pepper face washes, body washes, face scrub, body cream, and shampoo.
Amazing benefits of black pepper for skin
You might be surprised that black pepper turns out beneficial for your skin as well.
The antioxidants in black pepper fight against free radicals that cause aging and damage your skin. Black pepper prevents premature aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots.
Black pepper for skin pigmentation gives better results as it also helps to maintain the original color of the skin.
It makes skin soft and radiant. Dirt, pollution, and oil remove the glow from your skin. The black pepper scrub helps to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells. This may give your skin a soft and radiant look. Most importantly, black pepper for skin whitening helps lighten the complexion and dark spots.
It also cures Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a skin condition that makes the skin lose its natural pigmentation in some areas, and they turn white. Black pepper extract effectively treats this condition.
Amazing benefits of black pepper for hair
Many people are not aware of the benefits of black pepper for hair. It can bring energy to your wilted hair.
It treats dandruff, it has vitamin C that nourishes the scalp, stays clean, and reduces dandruff. It makes hair shiny as it is loaded with nutrients that can revitalize your hair to its natural shine and flow.
It can strengthen hair, and it is helpful for the health of your hair as it contains vitamins and minerals. They improve blood circulation and strengthen hair from the roots to make stronger and healthier hair.
Mainly, it helps prevent hair fall as it has antibacterial properties that fight against scalp infection and reduce hair fall. Also, the vitamin C in black pepper reduces breakage and thinning. Also, it slows greying due to the sufficient minerals and antioxidants properties that can keep the premature greying process slow. It can also cleanse the scalp as it carries a great amount of vitamin C, which cleanses your scalp and gets cleared of dead skin cells.
Other health benefits of black pepper you should know
Black pepper helps to lose weight, detoxifies your body, prevents cancer, encourages a healthy heart, works as a cough and sore throat remedy, works effectively for arthritis patients, does nutrient absorption, improves digestion, treats ulcers, helps fight depression, prevents constipation and improves oral health and other dental issues.
Sometimes heavy confidence in the spice can lead you to consume it in excess. So always make sure you consume how much is required to live healthily.